Monday 1 April 2013

MVVM - ViewModelBase

If you are developing a WPF application then you really need to be using the MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern. I'm sure the vast majority of prospective employers searching for a WPF developer well expect some familiarity with MVVM. I'm not going to spend hours explaining this design pattern as many people have already done that rather well such as here and here.

Saturday 30 March 2013

WPF - Find Parent by Type

Building on from my earlier post here I thought I'd show how we can use VisualTreeHelper to go the other way up the tree and find a parent of a specified type.

Thursday 28 March 2013

WPF - Find Child by Type

WPF provides the VisualTreeHelper class which exposes a few static methods that help us to navigate the visual tree more easily. However, the existing methods don't provide any specific methods for searching the visual tree for a particular element type.